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Quick Question - SXSW

Sorry to post something that is not a video but I just had a quick question that I thought someone here might be able to answer. Has anyone here had a video play at SXSW? If so, did you attend and was it worth it?

  • Thanks for more in depth response you can always send me an email by clicking on my name.

antneon, February 12, 2006 at 9:18:58 PM CET

I live in Austin and feel that I'm very in tune with much of the goings on at SxSW. There's never been a Video Play as SxSW that I'm aware of.

terri, February 13, 2006 at 12:32:11 AM CET

Sorry antneon, there is a music video category at SXSW. Had one video in the program the last two years and have two in this year. I've gone both times and its been fun but its only really worth going if you want to watch a bunch of movies. The music video program played in a theatre that was on the bottom floor of a dormitory and in the food court of a mall. So if would be just going just to watch your video projected in a half filled theatre, you might consider passing. Some of the shorts and features are good.

antneon, February 13, 2006 at 12:57:42 PM CET

I stand corrected! I'll look for the video play this year. Thanks Terri!

jkoxvold, February 13, 2006 at 10:00:46 PM CET

we had a video play last year, and I didn't go. This year Michelle and I are hoping to make it out to see our second Citizens video play.

By and large though, at most of the film festivals we've shown at, the music video segment isn't much to get excited about. The auditoriums are half empty, filled mostly with friends of the bands getting play. The RES monthly screenings in LA tend to be more fun, people ask interesting questions, and it generates better leads.

With all of that said, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what all the fuss is about - people seem to love Austin and SXSW. Just wish it was going on at the same time as the music festival so I could fit them both in.

jva, February 13, 2006 at 11:49:54 PM CET

depace- just learned one of the Getty Address chapters will be screening at SXSW this year. i will be in the middle of a Dirty Projectors tour, so it depends on how closely it lines up with DP's SXSW dates.

what video anyhoo?

depaceofbase, February 14, 2006 at 1:10:15 AM CET

Thanks for the info guys. I am going to be heading down there, at the very least to get out of New York for a few days. The video we did for Nedelle will play there. It has been posted a few times on here. This one:

terri, February 14, 2006 at 3:51:26 AM CET

Depace, I love that Nedelle video. I watched it quite a few times from that link.

depaceofbase, February 14, 2006 at 6:19:42 AM CET

Well thank you terri. I am a fan of the stuff you guys do as well. Cathy at refused actually had some good things to say about the video and gave Chivas (the director) a call to talk about it.

soapeymad, February 14, 2006 at 10:49:41 PM CET

I had a short play at sxsw and I would definitely recommend going - it's a great, open environment for filmmakers to meet each other and many people in the film industry. I didn't really find it helpful in terms of meeting video/spot reps, though. Definitely buy a music wristband or badge though, the music shows are really fun.


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