kevathens, September 20, 2016 at 10:19:04 PM CEST
On quitting
Well, I've been doing video promotion for 18 years and it's time to not do it. I'm going to consume videos still, but I'll be done with video promotion as a way to make money (videostatic), not sure what my role will be at antville but it will probably not be as intensely-culturally curatorial.
But I will keep following things at Director File Two; there is still no making money off of that, even though it's somewhat successful.
Later, and enjoy the new Keith vid.
kevathens, September 26, 2016 at 6:34:53 PM CEST
No one seems to care, but fyi I'm now saving my best, MTV-informed commentary for my Twitter and Facebook accounts,
All free of charge, probably better commentary that way