Kuntz & Maguire
Kuntz & Maguire's video for The Avalanche's Frontier Psychiatrist manages to capture the kooky, sample-filled feeling of the track -- so much so that it almost makes the lyrics make sense. Almost.
As a side note, I just realized that the same guys are responsible for a couple of my favorite recent videos: in addition to this one, Kuntz & Maguire also did Electric 6's Radio Gaga, Gay Bar, and Danger High Voltage. They are apparently also directing the upcoming untitled feature film based on The Onion.
If you like their video work, you might also enjoy some of their commercials, which can be found at MJZ.com--it's an annoying flash interface, so I can't give you the direct link, but click on "Directors" and then "Kuntz & Maguire". I particularly recommend this musical spot for Virgin Mobile.
Frontier Psychiatrist was such an amazing video - I had huge expectations for these guys, and then was really dissapointed with their first two Electric 6 videos, especially "Danger High Voltage" they had an amazing track and they did the generic concept of old people lip syncing. So not funny.
You forgot the greatest thing they've done, the infamous 'Tokyo Breakfast' short film.
When this thing started making it's way around the internet years ago there was no indication of where it came from. Most people still seem to believe this is an actual Japanese TV pilot. Incredible.
yeah you're right that was awesome. it's of all places ranked (again?) on the ifilm viral videos page www.ifilm.com
That Virgin Mobile spot is possibly the greatest commercial I have seen in a while.
I really like Kuntz and Maguire's music videos. captainmarc, you call light up breasts and genitals in the Danger! High Voltage video a generic concept? I defy you to name any video that has done anything like that before. It could freak you out or bore you, but it is not a generic, over-used concept, that is for sure. I admit, the Gay Bar video is a little overrated, but it's worth watching for all the random-object innuendos alone that are sprinkled so incongruously throughout the video. You gotta give Kuntz and Maguire some serious respect for including Gay Abraham Lincolns, Hand-clapping Bichon Frise dogs and a woman with light bulbs for boobs in their respective videos. Call them what you will, but don't call them unoriginal.
I my mind the real Gay Bar video will always be this... www.rathergood.com (It came out first too)
A feature film based on The Onion? do you have more information about this? Sounds great!
just because they had a costume or production design element that hasn't been seen before doesn't make it original. By that logic, dressing up a band in something as arbitrary as giant postage stamps or barnacles would create an original video.
My problem was that it was an energetic song and it featured too old people sitting in chairs, lip syncing. It wore thin after 15 seconds and as I've said before "old people acting young" is so played out that it's not funny or original.
So many themes to work with - disco, fire, electricity, danger - the album cover fits the song 1000x better than the video does:

Maledei, I don't know much about the Onion movie. You can find a little info on it here.
Alright, alright. Point taken. Actually, captainmarc, that cover would have been great as a video concept, although inevitably drawing comparisons to Spike Jonze's man-on-fire video. But you have to admit, everyone does, The Avalanches video is still pretty awesome. And I would love to see a video with the band dressed as postage stamps. But maybe that's just me.
I love Frontier Psychiatrist - read my earlier post.
actually "Since I left you" is, in my opinion, one of the best albums ever made.
Do you know the version by g.mcfetridge from the directorsbureau? interesting
i agree with striped collar. glowing genitals rule.
These guys are pretty great, I don't why I didn't see this post before, good job.
That version of that virgin mobile commercial is a lot better than the one I saw 8,000 times on TV. I espcially enjoyed the end.
But, does anyone know where I can see "danger high voltage" because the antville link seems to be dead and the one at the eletric six site doesn't seem to work for me.
you can go onto kuntzandmaguire.com scroll down the ads to the end. videos should be there.
Also, I can't scroll anywhere on that site, there's only a link to view the reel, and that short film, and some third thing that I cannot recall at the moment.
tis me, my love.
some of the links don't work anymore, their site is updated with all the commercials, shortfilms and musicvideos in flash-files:
by the way: has anybody a link to avalanches "since I left you"?