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the arcade fire - neighborhood #3 [power out]

same animation team as the shins so says i video.

watch at site w/ quicktime

angelasmith, April 26, 2005 at 12:56:11 AM CEST

cute - what a song!

progosk, April 26, 2005 at 12:58:56 AM CEST

this very special song deserved a lot more. c'mon: steal characters from selick/burton's nightmare before christmas, steal the atmosphere from the triplettes of belleville, then do some bad jumpy editing and make sure it all doesn't mean anything...? lame.

captainmarc22, April 26, 2005 at 2:08:41 AM CEST

this is WAY better than Plates previous Shins and Rjd2 videos (both of which I pretty much HATED)... but yeah, both Arcade Fire videos have been underwhelming. You'd think they'd be able to get an A-list director who's a fan to do a video on the cheap... I mean, David Bowie and David Byrne both called this the best album of the year.

ournameismud, April 26, 2005 at 7:28:23 AM CEST

EDIT - my post refers to a post that seems to have now been deleted.

what on earth are you going on about lusk?

(and for the record, i didn't have much time for the video, which was jumbled and aimless.)

this is a 3d animated video that uses z-space layers for its backgrounds (and even then has a lot of 3d model backgrounds)

i'm sick of the repetitive, cheap (both in terms of creativity and $$$) mindlessly layered 'after effects' videos, but by what logic is this an 'after effects' video?

eraserhead, April 26, 2005 at 2:05:04 PM CEST

No wonder Bowie and Byrne like this album. The Arcade Fire sounds EXACTLY like them. Probably that´s why they like LCD Soundsystem too.

langdonallger, April 26, 2005 at 8:32:40 PM CEST

Yeah that is kind of odd. Doesn't seem like him I guess. Maybe it was the moderator?

lusk81, April 26, 2005 at 10:06:02 PM CEST


Basically I went on a rant about narrative vs performance videos and how there's this constant argument toward narrative as being a positive. I really dislike this promo and feel like this is one of the reasons why these 'directors with a grand narrative' idea seems foolish and unchosen by various labels.

Plates animation is more interested in synching nonsense images to snare repeats and moving elements around in a Z space (and yes ONIM, regardless of its 3D layering, this is pure after effects in it's composition and execution) than they are in following through on their concept and/or story.

progosk, April 26, 2005 at 11:16:08 PM CEST

glad i'm not the only one trashing it...

eraser: how can arcade fire = bowie+byrne = lcd soundsystem? the math don't add up...

mitchmango, April 27, 2005 at 3:42:40 AM CEST

It's on the main page
along with the aforementioned Shins video.

reluctantfish, April 27, 2005 at 7:57:49 AM CEST

word lusk81. ESPECIALLY with the arcade fire, a band who's performance almost DEMANDS to be shown on film. everytime i hear "lies" i love to picture what it looks like for them to create those sounds, and that's why i think the video is so underwhelming. the story being told is the music. likewise, this video doens't seem to have anything at all to do with the music. it's masturbation, a pet project for the animators but not having any organic relationship with the music itself. that's forgivable and even preferable when the music isn't so hot, but when its the arcade fire, it seems like the filmmaker can only get in the way.

adambiz, April 27, 2005 at 12:17:49 PM CEST

ianx, April 27, 2005 at 3:03:05 PM CEST

Oh my lot are SO sad using words like underwhelming its ONLY a music video ...and someone worked their tits off to make it and is now probably reading you lot tearing it apart on this shit (once good) site. get up .. go outside .. hug a tree .. go and have a wank .. make your own video ...ANYTHING but sitting on this forum slagging off other peoples work. Its BORING to listen to you fucking twaty yanky teenagers blab on and on and on....FUCK OFF NOW

biscuit, April 27, 2005 at 3:03:08 PM CEST

So it seems it's a no win situation....lets all kill ourselves. Or maybe we should stop faux intellectualising about a form that is essentially seen as nothing but a promotional tool by the industry that pays hardworking creative people peanuts. If you are anywhere on the professional radar yourself , then you should understand that the problems or mistakes you percieve and "poo poo" are often related to a series of choices that come from comissioners, labels, bands and unreasonable deadlines. I'm not trying to make excuses...I have no realtionship with this project. I just find it hard to sit back and repeatedly read such bitterness. It brings me down. If anyone is masterbating's you (and you seem to have plenty of time for it).

captainmarc22, April 27, 2005 at 6:48:55 PM CEST

lanx, biscuit - since when did we give an "A for Effort" ?? What is this, gym class?

Every music video director I've ever heard use the phrase "it's just a music video" has turned out some of the most mundane shit imagineable. Their careers fizzle because they don't understand the medium.

ianx, April 27, 2005 at 7:57:22 PM CEST

this is true ...but then again you are a big fat cock

captainmarc22, April 27, 2005 at 9:11:05 PM CEST


roboshobo, April 27, 2005 at 10:41:18 PM CEST

Captian marc: "since when did we give an 'A for effort...what is this gym class?" didn't you recently give the new Stars video a C for 'cleavage?" maybe this is gym class..way too much objectification and macho posturing on these locker room threads... same goes for whoever decided to match up the slater kinney and the donnas' video based on who was hotter. real mature.

captainmarc22, April 27, 2005 at 11:13:18 PM CEST

robocop: good point.

Re: Stars, Sleater-Kinney & Donnas - don't hate any of them, had no expectations for any of the videos, found all 3 very forgettable.

"Funeral" was one of the best albums of the last 5 years; that put music video expectations for Arcade Fire up there w/ artists like Radiohead, Bjork & White Stripes; artists who have attracted the best directors.

Arcade Fire haven't been doing great so far, I'm afraid they might become the next Interpol (great band w/ crap videos).

angelasmith, April 29, 2005 at 4:36:37 AM CEST

Its so strange, sometimes videos connect, sometimes they don't, its a bit of a crap shoot, (even spike jonz has made a few stinkers). But it also really sucks to work really hard on something (Im sure plates did) and have it slagged to death. I like this better than the the first one, they were even in it, and it falls flat.

starspangled44, April 29, 2005 at 10:33:01 PM CEST

stupid, as are many of the people posting here, especially the enlightened one who talks to imaginary twaty teenagers and sounds like he's an unattractive person. are you british? that would explain everything.

ianx, April 30, 2005 at 12:18:16 AM CEST

yes...I am from england and i am very unattractive . 10 / 10

charlie hustle, April 30, 2005 at 10:13:40 PM CEST

Re: Comments by "ournameismud"

You ought to research your info, learn a little about production and consider what you have to offer before commenting on other people's work m8.

I just finished looking at the rubbish on your site. K-rap!

You need to drop the pseudo-expert, ill-advised industry terminal drama and take a good look at your own efforts.

Great video Plates! Consumers - a group to which I belong - are gonna eat it up. Well done. Constant improvement from you guys. I can't wait for your next one.


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