Esthero "We R In Need Of A Musical ReVoLuTioN"

director: Noble Jones
ha ha, wow this is horrible on so many levels. It's a dozen video cliches rolled into one.
Looks like a lot of time and energy went into this... the music isn't bad and neither is her singing but her lyrics are ridiculous.
i'm confused. is THIS the musical revoltuion?
oh i get it. it's like bush's "clean air act"
god damn that's a hell of a waste of money.
so bad
interesting that someones only idea of revolution is parody and pastiche rather than originality. makes the blood boil.
that's embarassing. it's got all the charisma of a rotting cabbage, only without the insight.
can someone explain the Indian laundromat scene? I find it hilarious and baffling how they open with a store sign that says INDIA...
...and why's she gotta single out Ashanti like that?? Surely there are bigger fish to fry...
The revolution will cost 15.95 and is available on CD or Itunes download.
I think that should have read musical revulsion.
Obviously one of those girls that no one understands, full of 6th form histrionics. So deep. Of course she is getting naked, because of, erm…her art, unlike those other tarts on MTV. Is that a pasting table in the picture? What does it all mean? Apart from demonstrating what happens when a director panders to the artist's ego. Perhaps her dad made it.
I guess you have to respect them (artists-with-labels) for trying to talk about a... a whatcha callit "revolution", although pandering to people who can't understand a bit of allegory or metaphor is a bit... oh wait, that's exactly what pop music has always done. It's a sad attempt to co-opt counterculture. God bless them, they just don't get it. The logo on the t-shirts is so f-ing ironic... or is it supposed to be in-my-face?