Depeche Mode "Precious"

"Someone anonymously sent in a copy of the new Depeche Mode video. Based on the text inserted into the clip, the video appears to be unfinished. But who cares? This is easily the best thing they've done in years." (from ifilm)
Hurry before the cease & desist! It's hilarious!
Their site reports they just shot a video with Uwe Flade. Makes sense.
The song is promising.
That's fucked up to put that up like that. If i was the director i would be PISSED!
this is a bullshit work in progress for a director that deals in post and animation - why do it?
Track sounds ace though.
Bet there are some killer mixes.
this type of shit sucks. but looks like they got word of it. the link is no longer there. such a travesty to the production and the launch of a new album. shows you how freakin powerful the web is for sharing. even when unauthorized. show some respect asses.
Hey y'all...the remixes =