Stars "Your Ex-Lover Is Dead" (dir. George Vale)

i guess if you're going to rip off one shot from a movie and base your entire video on it, it should be from a gondry movie. still, this song is so great i can't help but be disappointed here. better than an awkward narrative probably though.
My thoughts exactly. If I did something like that I'd be hiding in shame. I agree with the icy feel of the song, but man, that was exactly like Eternal Sunshine. It would have been cool, if they had refrained from making them lay on the ice with the overhead shot. Lame.
mhm, of course one is immediately reminded of gondry, but then again it’s not such a unique idea to have people lying on the ice, is it? it’s probably been done before. so that’s okay with me. uhm, and what’s that thing about the password??
pretty shameless. maybe that's why he's hiding it behind a password...
(also: what's with the headless drummer?)
(oh, and: purpology: wh'appen to the site?)
just check out the label's website: you'll find a good quality mov here (35 mb).
thanks waldar!
I love it!
hey, uh...aren't these guys from Canada. And don't they skate from time to time and live in snowy conditions. At least when I grew up there I felt hey, I'm Canadian doing stuff in the cold winter time. Not, I'm in a Gondry video...
ha ha. Nice try buddy.
Are you in the band? Did you direct this? What's your angle? This shit is blatant.
Perhaps if you'd made this video back when you were growing up we'd believe you.
these 3 stars videos have all been soooo boring. I know they're not a punk band or anything but they've just been making the safest choices. I guess I have higher expectations for Canada w/ their music video fund and all.
Picked up on the Gondry thing, but it also looks just like that newest Mike Doughty one. That one wasn't great, but at least it had some relation to the song.
the gondry homage is obvious but it didn't bother me. what bothered me more was the feeling that i had just watched a video out of a pottery barn catalogue.
progosk, the site may or may not come back, not sure yet. thing is, when i started it, most of the people contributing were freelancing or blogging or doing some other bullshit job and lots of them now have real-life music journalist positions so that's great but it cuts into the whole "having time to write for fun" factor. victims of our own success i say! maybe if i get fired i'll start it up again.
even the way how the ices illuminated is pretty revealing - an impression very similar to gondry
this video made me want to put a hoodie on. but then i saw the girl and thought' oh maybe she will warm me up' but no. im still cold.