Miso: "lalalah" Dir: David Short (Isore Productions)
Isore Productions new music video for Australian outfit Miso. This project was very post heavy but the final product was satisfying.
my first comment is a purely shallow one, but how the fuck did you get the compression so un-shitty on youtube? it looks great.
my second comment is that this video is way super fun. we've all seen the polaroid thing before but this was just really neato. noteven sure why. the minimalism of the colored bgs goes really well with the track.
i suppose some might say that they'd like it better if the effects were more organic and less digital but poo on them. Who on earth (unless you're a gondry) has time for that? Good on ya mate.
winchandpulley, the compression is simple divx 6.7 (2 logical CPU's). cheers for the comments. it was a great little project to experiment with.
the compression looks good because there's not a ton of movement or cutting in the frame.
am i right? Cause everyone tries to upload to youtube with the best quality possible quicktime.