Santogold - L.E.S. Artistes (Dir. Nima Nourizadeh)
so, here's not the new bravia-spot, it indeed is the new santogold-video, directed by nima, who, by the way, has a sparkling new website up (nice intro).
and here are some - as always - wonderful first words by popjustice.
to me, the video's a bit close to ace norton's SMD one, talking of colours etc etc. on the other hand, the splashing paint reminds me of "ready for the floor". you see: i already got confused...
in related news: when's this ace norton-video for "creator" coming out?
ASX-Stream here
weird disconnect between first and second section (or indeed, between artist & concept). photography and edit feel somehow off. the latter half, however, is a very intriguing/compelling watch.
I didn't get it.
an homage
and this little gem from a couple of videos ago
I agree with prog re: the disconnect. I'm not quite sure what links the two halves of the vid. I'm happy to hear any theories...
And I agree there are similarities to ace norton's hustler in terms of the production design. however they thematically differ. ace's vid is more or less about consumer culture. nima's vid is more or less about the apocalypse.
Anyway, the vid is incredibly haunting.
how unpleasant.
she sounds so much like Tegan & Sara it's frightening... i don't know if i like the video yet
Strikes me as a real winner for readers of Nylon Magazine.
strikes me as a real winner for WEARERS of nylon...
nicely shot. nice use of colour. nice homage indeed...
why so conservative antville? why perturbed by this so called 'disconnect'? I found the change of scene/ the incongruity pretty thrilling...
I've always admired Sam Brown's work for juxtaposing what seems like unrelated imagery... but 'working' (like that James Blunt vid with the balloons and the run through the woods). I like it when directors do stuff you aren't 'supposed to do'.
Go Nima. This is ace.
alejandro: enlightenment, plz.
hola Antville!
The Holy Mountain (1973 film) by myself Alejandro Jodorowsky
This pop musica takes my "haunting" or some might say "compelling" demonstration scene towards the end of the film shot for shot and thank you
if you have not seen the film - look at it ! it is a greatest work
is a packed full of disturbing disconnected ideas that are very ready to be put into pop musica please
and i'm also available for new films if anyone has the energy or te money to work with me please and thank you
Ale Jodorowsky
a link for me
the embarassment... erm... hi a.j. awesome to have you round. very much hoping a new john&yoko pop up to get you filming again.
or you might like to not watch the film if you do not have time and look straight at trailer here for new ideas thank you
i forgetted how many ideas i have for all ! look at the ideas they are for all thank you
well this is a well executed hommage. but jeesh - thats a lot of "hommages" in a row for nima... dire straits, bat dance, jodorowsky. creativity running dry?
the demonstration scenes are at 9:25 here.
dearest alejandro, it's pretty funny to see how your iconic on-screen violence turns pulp. it's so appealingly postmodern it renders you obsolete.
sincerely yours, matei barney
Ale, thanks for enlightening us!
...I tried to go see The Holy Mountain last year at the Hollywood Cemetery but it sold out. I hope they screen it again soon...
Time to add another one to the list. I'd put this one in the uninspired category.
How unpleasant 'n I'm not talkin' 'bout the clip... I can't get me 'ead 'round the fact that various comment scripts don't seem to remain shaded once u've read them n jump back into life It's confusing and irritating Possibly the worse idea the 'ville boffins have come up wiv The video? Pass... I got a 'eadache
Tho' I guess, thinking bout it may have little to do with antville n summit more to do wiv me updating to the moronic pedo sterilizing protection of IE7
otc: That last still looks awfully like one of the scenes in MGMT's "Time To Pretend". Does that promo have any other references I missed (bar maybe Lord Of The Flies?)? Does it make your list too?
the boy bands have won..., indeed
Bloody disappointing! Is this really the same Nima that did "Over and Over". Finger out of arse dood!
alejandro: does the other video you noticed (with this scene
in it) have any other references to your film?
come on stop it already; impersonating jodorowsky was fun at 1st, now it ain't
I am not impersonate
ever since the dvds were issued of jodorowsky's films i have been counting down how long it would be until we started seeing all the imagery showing up in music videos.
@lisanowak: Where is the "Creator" video?? I thought it was due in May? So restless...
oh, that was a poor attempt at humor.
Budweiser bought the rights for Creator and used it in an ad for their new lime flavored beer, which hits stores in May 2008.
Ah yes... that commercial.
I saw behind-the-scenes photos of "Creator" about a month ago in a magazine I cannot recall.
Ace's got nixed, Tim observed
Figured as much. Who is taking over?
MTV. Hello Mark Romanek doing the XXXChange Mix for the Ford Flex: "Grid".
Song is an all-timer Vid is super keen?