The Lonely Island- J**Z in my Pants (Dir: Akiva Scheffer?)
I know this was a skit on SNL, but the funny(?) people at The Lonely Island are releasing an album in February, and this is their first single. So....This is a music video.
Find the cameos
Akiva is a great director. And those guys write great songs. I've already watched this like 5 times.
the video is re-upped. won't be long before it gets deleted again
There's even an HD version on YT. Wow. But to me, it doesn't reach the heights of Dick In a Box or the Natalie Portam rap.
meh. yeah - lacks any of the finesse of Dick In A Box... comedy songs. as a rule it helps if they're funny, and not just for one line.
This might be my video of the year. In terms of quality and concept, this is amazing.