Filthy Dukes "This Rhythm" Dir: Sarah Chatfield

new video. awesome track MP4
wasted youth & OBE. rad.
that was really really beautiful and terrifying at the same time. like it left me feeling very creeped out. but my two phobias are needles and grey aliens.
but the part in the hallway with the little ghost flickers was fucking awesome. like that could've been the whole video.
Liked it, reminded me of one of my favorites. Ghost flickers were great, was that some kind of motion control effect or is there a cheaper way of doing that?
I'm onto you. "The Test"
hmm, if you watch it frame by frame the background changes/ 'skips'. id say its ae masks. whichever it was, it's excellent.
so well dosed. complimenti.
some really amazing images! who lensed it?
This is great. The complete package. Cheers.
more specifically late 90's to early 2000's. 97 - 2002.
oh come on.
DP adam frisch. budget fuck all. very happy with this one.