X Japan "Longing 〜切望の夜〜 (The Poem)" / "Longing Setsubou no Yoru (The Poem)" (dir. David Lynch, 1995)

bonus: TVCs directed by David Lynch The Wall for Adidas (1993) The Instinct of Life for Jill Sander's Background (1993) Sun Moon Stars starring Daryl Hannah for Lagerfeld Paris (1994) Aunt Droid, Dead Leaves and Rocket/Kiddie Ride for the Sci·Fi Channel (1997) Mountain Man for Honda (1997) Parisienne People for Parisienne (1998)
all DPed by Peter Deming (thanks!)
robo et al., is there another version of this including the nude scene from the CM?
Have to get back to you on that K,
I don't think an alternate PV version with the CM nude scene exists It been about two months since I posted for info, on various forums n' I've got zilch feedback t'Web's full of references to the CM and there's a u2b link to the full CM here but it's bin pulled Sorry!
bedankt what makes you think there's a fuller CM?
My mistake. I assumed the CM was cut into by the interview, but 'pon re-watching I see its not so!