immaculate machine - so cynical (final cut, dir duncan gidney & ian hoar)
this is the final cut of this video. thanks to everyone that had feedback for the other two i posted.
immaculate machine - so cynical video
Worked out really nicely. I like this :)
I agree. I like it too. Good job. Better start.
yup - this is now about as good as it was ever going to get.
edit-by-antville. who's up next?
Great job! I honestly never made it through the first two long enough to comment, but this is so much better. I'm still not so sure about some of the band shots, but I've definitely gone into editing wishing I'd shot more/different footage and had to make do with some stuff I didn't really like.
love it. turned out great. love the band.
thanks everyone. as a first time director, i feel we weathered the storm pretty well. and yes, i wish we shot more and i think that is definitely reflected in the video.
some very nice stuff in there! and god, that's an infectious track! good job sir.