The complete works of Brett Ratner
The collection you've been...uh...waiting for?
Seems like Mr Ratner likes big boobs. I'm really sorry but I didn't wait for this collection at all.
i've shit ratners more brett than this collection.
damn that Wu Tang Triumph video hasn't aged well. It's one of those simulataneously horrible & awesome videos.
didn't realize how much mediocrity was in his career....
Ahh "Nuttin But Love" I loved that vid - top of Central Park - his D'Angelo vids were okay.. Beautiful Stranger was fun, that's about it
I know this a place to post more "artistic" videos and I'm not a Brett Ratner fan either, but I do think his videos are fun, he makes the artists look great and there is a definite charm to them, and there is definitely an audience for them. Its always interesting to me how all this respect is given to Gondry in the US, when in France Gondry's is just another Brett Ratner. There are many who do what he does. Its all perspective. Ratner could never do what Gondry does, but Gondry could never do what Ratner does.
Enough of my rant Interpolians: Please move onto the next Death Cab For Cutie installment.
that's almost as many videos as the number of extras he slept with on the x-men set. he's so lucky to have a mother to buy him a carreer.