The Beatles "Come Together", anim. melondezign
he one mojo filter. (who knew flash could not suck?)
swf here.
(via robotwisdom)
dude flash do suck
't's what i meant: flash nearly always sux. not this, though.
that was great! Very original and fresh (although it's from 2001, but still)
It's from the Beatles "1" website which is still up. Also there is a flash video for "I Feel Fine" which isn't too shabby either.
Pretty neat.
disgusting, ne vomit-inducing
It's like a japanese dance-revolution game ate my favour ate band and shat them out on the world wide web. Aside from that it's quite well done though. -j
Its not flash, and its not great.
what is it? machinima?
Well, it's entirely vector-based. Anyway, reminds me of what almost always happens the second someone gets their hands on a 3D package -- animated camera. Why the HELL do people insist on animating the camera, just because they can? Ugh. Bad.