"The Science of Sleep" dir. Michel Gondry
This looks incredible. Not a MV, but this is gondryville.org, is it not?
This should be on typolis.net ...
Hmm I hope Kaufman's absince doesn't kill it. Same goes for Spike Jonze. -j
I’m a bit worried about this, I’m not sure if it’s just the way the trailer is cut (emphasising small vignette scenes at the expense of the overall plot of the film) or a problem with the film itself. This is just way to cute and light-hearted looking to be something I can really get excited about just because it comes from Gondry. "Glasses to see the world in 3d, oh the world is in 3d." thats not adult funny thats dorkey child trying to grasp the real world not particularly funny if you have a mental age above about four funny. Has Gondry gone out of control in writing and directing?, Im not trying to lop a tall poppy here I just want some perspective before we all get sucked into the Gaudy, Indie, Trendy French, Fan fawning "oh my god most amazing thing you ever saw, blady blah blah I cant reconcile the loss of my child hood and be an adult" black hole that will form after the release of this film.
Gondry aside, there is something to be said about the fetishization of one's childhood.
Regardless, don't be fooled by the American trailer. I like the French one better. (Trailers + clips here.) Can't wait to see the film! (Though honestly I'm incredibly anticipating Be Kind Rewind..)
me too.
By the way, anyone know the two songs played in the US trailer beside that DCFC one?
@zytonspyke try adtunes.com and search the forums.
also, isn't this Gondrys first movie that he writes/directs? if it is then why are we worried? if the film fails then w/e cus there always has to be room to try new things.
i love the trailer and can't wait for the movie.
The song at the beginning is from the latest Strokes album
"After Hours" by the Velvet Underground is in the beginning ("If you close the door...") One of my all time favs! That alone makes me want to see this film.
had the chance to see this film twice and was not at all disappointed. In an age of overdone, crappy CGI films this film is so wonderfully tactile and hands on. Some people I saw it with thought the story could have been developed deeper but I had no complaints. Its visually amazing and totally fun to watch. i found it totally inspiring
gondry interviews on Filter and Salon (audio).
nyt on gondry.