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MIA. "Uhlala" Dir. Frederic Detjens

video for the second single of mia.´s new album "zirkus"


najork, December 29, 2006 at 4:23:40 AM CET

You tricked me. :(

If it's not M.I.A., please don't make it all caps like that.

antneon, December 29, 2006 at 4:45:31 AM CET

Ditto. I think the person who posted this put in all in caps to screw with people. Not funny.

spreech, December 29, 2006 at 9:38:05 AM CET

The band is called MIA., they existed already before M.I.A., and this is their second single from the album "zirkus", (which I like very much) - and this here is directed by Frederic Taxi (?), the same guys who did the video for the first single "tanz der moleküle":

klopfer, December 29, 2006 at 5:59:02 PM CET

@najork and antneon: nobody's tricking you guys, just learn to know your bands...

@spreech: second, yes...also theres a new vid for the track zirkus itself, havent found it on the net though...seems to be the same director, frederic detjens:

familiar, December 29, 2006 at 8:54:14 PM CET

This video is really nice, and thankfully not M.I.A. (who is annoying to a degree only Uffie and Lady Sovereign could trump.)

spreech, December 29, 2006 at 9:43:48 PM CET

klopfer: my post before sounded very patronising (besserwisserisch) ... - mh - ... anyhow: strange that there is nowhere a nytl (noyoutubelink) for all these MIA.-vids.

I actually always hated MIA., but with their new album I completely changed my mind - I love it - !

gwan, December 30, 2006 at 5:07:53 AM CET

i lik.e it co.uld use a bit of dis.ruption (j/k) and the period (although correct ".(periods) on the web are just asking for tra. tra. trouble.


Lots of bands alter there name when a either older band holds the © or a new band over hadows them, THE LONDON suede, Charltans UK, jefferson band changed to , airplane then eventialy starship, the please, to the pleaseD, although admitingly the latter is less common, now days the change is related mostly to serach engine rankings... and for good reason watch...

1). "MIA." Google search: 2), "M.I.A." Google search:

Searches 1&2 have the same results on the first 3 pages. ...NOW... 3). Lets try Google searchthe phrase : "MIA. not M.I.A"

We get scattered M.I.A. results, so if your looking for MIA. unless you know and track name your SOL err... S.O.L. , google does'nt support punctuation as punctuation but as variables to your search criteria, ie "___" exclude anything execpt ___ in that order, or + combines two serches into one results listing, there are many combination "strings" varriables you use to refine your serach and save time, despite its technical look you already know it.

4). For example a simple string Google search: ["MIA." + "A." -M.I.A.] this simplly agknowleges "." as a period, then we specify leave out M.I.A, this can also be doen by using brakets and criteria URLS and the subtraction (-) variable. Now try Google search: ["MIA." + "A." -M.I.A.] :

Almost but not quite see if you can get "MIA." without any additional keywords. -negative space the process of elimination FILE UNDER OFF TOPIC
klopfer, December 30, 2006 at 6:20:21 PM CET

gwan: interesting. also important is the country where you start your search. if i google mia without any period or anything i go straight to the german band, simply because i live here...even if i query


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