sugarplum1978, September 6, 2012 at 12:51:11 PM CEST
Ummagma "1+1=3" (Director Alexander Kretov)
I love the transitioning in this video. It's rather trippy - great soundscape, evocative of early Pink Floyd. Video is inspired and fits perfectly with the spirit of the music.
Ummagma ranks up there with my favourite dreampop, shoegaze, progressive rock and ethereal wave musicians. While I usually compare Ummagma to Blonde Redhead, Cocteau Twins and Asobi Seksu, this music video for 1+1= 3 is more reminiscent of Swervedriver doing soundtrack music. Enjoy this colorful trip!
sugarplum1978, January 24, 2013 at 11:09:29 PM CET
You can catch all of Ummagma's videos at
This song is from the band's self-titled album "Ummagma" @2012
You can download Ummagma's 2 debut albums (released July 2012) FOR FREE at