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Rammstein - Mann gegen Mann (Dir.: Jonas Akerlund)

"Mann gegen Mann" (Man vs. Man) has been shot in Berlin October 2005.
Windows Media:

progosk, February 25, 2006 at 8:15:27 PM CET

though i'm not quite sure about the sexual/political agenda here (my aversion for rammstein's "music" keeps me from even trying to decipher their barking), willing or not they've followed åkerlund down another one of his explorative paths, and he's pushing interesting borders again. (oh, and: thanks for making them look as repulsive as i've always found them.)

vjdj, February 25, 2006 at 8:46:00 PM CET

freeekin hilarious.(now is the time on sprockets when we go metal!)

gwan, February 25, 2006 at 9:49:16 PM CET

Ridiculous, being naked with just boots is comic...

spreech, February 25, 2006 at 11:47:25 PM CET


youmonster, February 26, 2006 at 1:57:19 AM CET

sweet mother of god. what did i just watch?

mutant, February 26, 2006 at 2:31:49 AM CET

why didn't anyone shot these guys? i mean, what's next? killig themselves on stage would be a good idea, but i guess they're to dull to try to leave with a bang. useless crap.

najork, February 26, 2006 at 2:48:20 AM CET

Made me think of that Blink182 video.

How do you suppose the treatment for this thing read?

mutant, February 26, 2006 at 5:12:17 AM CET

possibly a boring one pager...(band debate: let's do something extremely extravangant... oh no, we did this already last time and nobody liked it... hey, we're not here to be liked... ok, what ever you say, as long as it pays).

brunobons, February 26, 2006 at 8:45:23 PM CET

mutant, tone down on the hater spirit, man.

Rammstein have been at least shot once on stage in a video that i know of, so that wouldnt be much of a bang to leave ;)

As far as i know, it was Akerlund who came up with the idea and the Band decided to trust him even though they seemed reluctant about the whole naked men thing (and I'm sure they have not forgotten about the Mein Teil video Bihac has done for them - again, they trusted that neither has Akerlund). It's not them who come up with the videos but the great directors whom Rammstein let doing what they do best, unlike so many musicians. That's why getting a director's gig for Rammstein is pretty much the best thing that can happen to a music video director in Germany.

And one of the band members has just refused to get a salary for the first score he's composed for an indie movie - stating he's made enough money as it is. So much for "as long as it pays" - some people just refuse to acknowledge Rammstein are artists rather than sick fucks.

Plus, whens the last time youve seen such a couragous video - its got "fuck you homophobes" written all over it. Plus, the nicest fading transitions ive seen on video in a while.


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