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Vital Signs - Midnight Juggernauts

A collaboration between Midnight Juggernauts and Krozm - Directed by Krozm. Lights by Mph.

panopticon, April 7, 2010 at 12:46:22 AM CEST

There's a fair amount of cheese creeping around the edges of this, but I gotta say, that effect is pretty nifty.

Bunny Greenhouse, April 7, 2010 at 1:11:16 AM CEST

yeah, some of it seemed a direct homage to zbig rybczynski's 'the fourth dimension' (the door, the embracing nudes in front of plants) which is cheese by today's standards, but if you're gonna slit-scan, better steal from zbig than from muse or schofield or something <a">...

kansas, April 7, 2010 at 4:09:47 AM CEST

Definitely seen slitscan before but this seems to have taken the effect a lot further both conceptually and technically than the muse or schofield videos. Overall maybe slightly too classical and moody for my taste but I enjoyed it none the less. Nicely shot and works with the song.

BTW Bunny where do you think muse and schofield got the idea for slitscan from?

Bunny Greenhouse, April 7, 2010 at 5:02:46 AM CEST

oh for sure, they prob saw zbig too (or any of these; slit-scan's been around for ages). i's just saying it's nice that krozm, in this case, seems to be giving a nod to one of the technique's 'classical and moody' pioneers –– irrespective of whether it makes it a better vid or not

& i'm fine w/ music videos that expand upon ideas/aesthetics popularized in other music videos –– inspiration's inspiration –– but i'd cringe to find out that, say, a new jodorowski-esque video was solely inspired by the recent flux of other jodorowski-esque videos w/o knowing jodorowski himself... (holy whattain?)

najork, April 7, 2010 at 5:05:27 AM CEST

I tend to think allot of folks got the idea from the After Effects manual, which used to use a door opening to illustrate how the time displacement plugin works. Adobe may well have got their idea from Rybczynski.

The sculpture looks cool and makes good use of the distortion. But most of it seems like the effect was dropped on with little tuning. The 10-year-old Muse video is much more technically competent. Schofield's makes it most interesting I think.

tobonix, April 7, 2010 at 5:31:34 AM CEST

nice work playing with space and time. I like what krozm has done with the technique but i think it could be taken further and hope to see more of this technique. They've managed to create an interesting mood that works well with the music. I like the spinning motif and I also think it is a great idea to incorporate light design with this technique.

I have pitched a similar technique a number of times but have never had the opportunity to use it. im still excited for an opportunity. My pitches were inspired by the interactive work of Alvaro Cassinelli but I don't know who inspired him. check out his work. its great!

The Khronos Projector:

You should check out his interactive videos too:

drdeathmex, April 7, 2010 at 7:56:06 AM CEST

Having taken acid for the first time recently this hits the spot. I'm sharing this on my fscebook.

pancho, April 7, 2010 at 7:41:44 PM CEST

do they have it on dvd?

0ptical, April 7, 2010 at 9:10:47 PM CEST

The slitscan effect makes me feel nostalgic for my DigiView/PerfectVision-equipped A500...

Bunny Greenhouse, April 8, 2010 at 12:46:31 AM CEST

@pancho: dunno bout dvd, but, um...

pancho, April 8, 2010 at 2:15:59 AM CEST


hipgnosist, April 9, 2010 at 3:32:57 AM CEST

@Bunny: Thanks.

bettyf, April 29, 2010 at 9:08:47 PM CEST


My name is Beth Ferreira, I'm a video producer from Brazil and I worked as a production assistant in The Fourth Dimension video by Zbig Rybczynski. I also worked with Hans Donner in Brasil and was technical consultant in the production of the opening titles of Tieta soap opera where the slit scan effect was used, this was in 1989.

At the time Zbig was invited to do the slit scan effect fot TV Globo, for Tieta, but he didn't accept the invitation and Globo Computação Gráfica, the computer graphics division from TV Globo, simulated the effect. They created a program to do Zbig's work that was done in the same way Douglas Trumbull did in Space Odissey.

The opening titles of Tieta were considered plagiarism by many people, not to mention some people said I "robbed" Zbig's work and "sold" it to Hans Donner.

In this link you can see Tieta's opening titles, that are very different from Zbig's video, at least from art direction point of view.

Midnight Juggernaut's video is much more similar to Zbig's Fourth Dimension, not only because of the slit scan effect, but because they use it in a door, like one of TFD scenes, they have a couple "almost" naked, using beige swimwear, or underwear, or whatever horrible wear that is and is clearly plagiarism.

I just saw the Muse video and they really did some nice work with the slit scan effect, as well as the rap video and these two don't look plagiarism.

One thing is the slit scan effect, something else is to put it in scenes that are completely similar to the ones in The Fourth Dimension.

Poor Zibg...


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