Negativland "Gimme The Mermaid" Dir./Anim. Tim Maloney
History of Anime - Anime Music Video
"A magnificent music video telling of the history of anime, from when it began, to here in today. The song is an orchestra and it really works well. The huge variety of clips are timed to perfection..."
sunset rubdown - us ones in between
directed by Dan Beirne
Paul Simon (for example) didn't do a video to promote his (wonderful) new album:
Is this still a statement? There were times when music was totally unvisible without a musicvideo, and in these times it was a statement when somebody didn't do a video. And nowadays? Is Paul Simon (for example) hidden without a film? (he didn't even released a single) - his album "surprise" is wonderfull, you can hear it (but not see it) on his site:
Album Cover Galore!!