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BEST OF 2005

The year isn't over yet, but since we all go on mental vacation later in December, let's fight over what was great about 2005, and why this year was really, really bad for music videos. Face it: it sucked!

I nominate Beck "E-Pro" (also at here, here) as the best video this year.

List some of your fave 2005 vids here!

kevathens, December 11, 2005 at 2:44:02 PM CET

NOTE THAT ANY LIST POSTED HERE ISN'T COMPLETE - Just a rough outline of what impressed you the most.

Naturally, RES covered a lot of what was good.

LCD Soundsystem "Tribulations" Beck "E-Pro" Decemberists "Sixteen Military Wives" Chemical Brothers "Believe" Rubber Johnny (here) Basement Jaxx "U Don't Know Me" Kanye West "Golddigger" Björk "Triumph of a Heart" Plan B "No Good" Sigur Ros "Glosoli" Tiga "You Gonna Want Me" Presets "Are You the One?"

I'm largely disappointed in Michel's output this year, though I love the man. And am I the only one who didn't get why everyone loved that Streets vid and Carpark North vid?

simonster, December 11, 2005 at 4:58:22 PM CET

I'd say: Sigur Ros - Glosoli Animal Collective - Leaf House Röyksopp - What Else is There?

...oh yeah, and Trapped in the Closet...

salad fingers, December 11, 2005 at 5:22:03 PM CET

i just want to see one music video that doesn't suck.

then the killing can stop.

hakai, December 11, 2005 at 6:54:27 PM CET



funtoosh, December 11, 2005 at 7:27:20 PM CET

i'd definitely agree on the decemberists & plan b, and ugh, what else …

there was some beautiful animation: bloc party "the pioneers" wir sind helden "von hier an blind" (though their subterranean "nur ein wort" was pretty cool, too)

a best of-list can never be complete without sleater-kinney & tocotronic videos, so there you go: sleater-kinney "jumpers" tocotronic "aber hier leben, nein danke"

and finally, one can't get along this year without at least one canadian and one neopostpunkbrit band: the stars "your ex-lover is dead" (yes, the gondry-esk one!) maximo park "apply some pressure II"

obviously, from what i take from the comments, these videos were not, uhm, everybody's darlings - still they were my favorites ;~}

langdonallger, December 11, 2005 at 7:30:18 PM CET

ariel pink - for kate i wait

carpark north - human

the presets - are you the one?

Sorry for linking to the actual videos, I guess. I just saw that everyone wasn't doing that.

lusk81, December 11, 2005 at 8:07:32 PM CET

Great picks! I actually would add Albertin's promo for MEW on that list. I know it's not the best ever, but it's pretty strong regardless.

And IMO, the best new talent to surface this year is absolutely Martin De Thurah of carpark and royksopp fame.

s.o.s, December 11, 2005 at 8:29:01 PM CET

I would add to the list:

rammstein's keine lust (dir. jörn heitman) (windows media)

arcade fire's neighborhood #3 [power out] (plates animation) (quicktime)

regina spektor's us (dir. adria petty) (quicktime)

najork, December 11, 2005 at 8:37:30 PM CET

Of Montreal "Wraith Pinned to the Mist and other Games" Four Tet "Smile Around The Face" Gentleman Reg - "The Boyfriend Song" The Thrills - "The Irish Keep Gatecrashing" Hifana - "Wamono"

And as mentioned before..

the presets - are you the one? Röyksopp - What Else is There?

1manguy, December 11, 2005 at 10:24:45 PM CET

in no particular order

Laura Veirs - Galaxies Doves - Black and White Town Audioslave - Doesn't Remind Me Antony and the Johnsons - Hope There's Someone John Vanderslice - Exodus Damage Michael Penn - Walter Reed Okkervil River - For Real The Dears - Lost In The Plot Morningwood - Nth Degree Magneta Lane - Ugly Socialite

and those already mentioned...

Gentleman Reg - The Boyfriend Song Regina Spektor - Us
Of Montreal - Wraith Pinned to the Mist and other Games

najork, December 11, 2005 at 11:05:42 PM CET

Thought "Black and White Town" was last year. If it's this year, it is certainly one of the best.

mvstills, December 11, 2005 at 11:25:03 PM CET

These are the one's that caught my eye this year, sorted alphabetically. The one that takes the cake is NIN's "Only". Not just because it broke new ground on CGI, but because I think it creates a new language to be explored.

audio bullys, featuring nancy sinatra  / shot you down (dir: jonas odell) audioslave  / doesn't remind me (dir: chris milk) backstreet boys  / just want you to know (dir: marc klasfeld) basement jaxx  / oh my gosh (dir: mat kirkby) basement jaxx  / u don't know me (dir: mat kirkby) beck  / e-pro (dir: shynola) carpark north  / human (dir: martin de thurah) catupechu machu  / a veces vuelvo (dir: leo aramburu) coldplay  / fix you (dir: sophie muller) depeche mode  / precious (dir: uwe flade) foo fighters  / best of you (dir: mark pellington) garbage  / why do you love me? (dir: sophie muller) geri halliwell  / desire (dir: andy morahan) gorillaz, featuring de la soul  / feel good inc. (dir: pete candeland) gwen stefani  / cool (dir: sophie muller) interpol  / evil (dir: charlie white) kanye west  / diamonds from sierra leone (dir: hype williams) lcd soundsystem  / tribulations [version 2: concept] (dir: dougal wilson) madonna  / hung up (dir: johan renck) miranda!  / don (dir: joaquin cambre) moby  / lift me up (dir: evan bernard) moby  / raining again (dir: barnaby roper) mudvayne  / happy? (dir: lex halaby) my chemical romance  / helena (dir: marc webb) my chemical romance  / the ghost of you (dir: marc webb) new order  / krafty (dir: johan renck) nine inch nails  / only (dir: david fincher) sigur rós / glósóli (dir: arni & kinski) slipknot  / before i forget (dir: tony petrossian) system of a down  / question! (dir: howard greenhalgh & shavo obadjian) the cardigans  / i need some fine wine and you, you need to be nicer (dir: martin renck & jakob ström) the chemical brothers  / believe (dir: dom & nic) the killers  / all these things that i've done [version 2: b&w] (dir: anton corbijn) the prodigy  / voodoo people [version 2: pendulum remix] (dir: ron scalpello) the strokes  / juicebox (dir: mike palmieri) u2  / city of blinding lights [live] (dir: alex & martin) u2  / sometimes you can't make it on your own (dir: phil joanou) weezer  / we are all on drugs (dir: justin francis)

lusk81, December 11, 2005 at 11:44:02 PM CET

MVSTILLS: "The one that takes the cake is NIN's "Only". Not just because it broke new ground on CGI, but because I think it creates a new language to be explored."

I'm curious, what "new language" are u talking about?

sdelahoyde, December 12, 2005 at 1:06:45 AM CET

Three cheers for Four Tet's "Smile Around the Face." It's in my all-time top five favorite videos, perhaps even my number one. I second its nomination.

And yes, I also second that the NIN video was utter garbage. Unless that's what language you're talking about...the language of garbage.

familiar, December 12, 2005 at 2:05:04 AM CET
  1. Jeremy Warmsley - Verses / Drinkme - Manifesto | Dir: Ben Rollason
  2. Tom Vek - C.C (You Set The Fire In Me) | Dir: Adam Bartley
  3. Sigur Rōs - Glōsōli | Dir: Arni & Kinski
  4. Man Man - 10lb Moustache | Dir: Adam Carrigan
  5. Doves - Sky Starts Falling | Dir: Reuben Sutherland

progosk, December 12, 2005 at 2:29:26 AM CET

i'm no good at whittling these down, so... here're my best lists - if some 2004 stuff has snuck in there, let me know

(two things: sorry for all the repeats, and: i'll try to put in links tomorrow)

most watched carpark north - human (m de thurah) phoenix foundation - hitchcock (r sutherland) sigur rós - glósóli (a & k) white stripes - my doorbell (malloys) the national - abel (ais) menomena - coughcoughing (j ross) audioslave - doesn't remind me (c milk) camille - ta douleur (s digiusto) c bruni - quelqu'un m'a dit (l carax) autolux - turnstile (s kim) ok go - a million ways les rhythmes digitales - jacques your body (si&jon) drink me - manifesto (b rollason) s williams - list of demands (g brunkalla) c'mon&kipski - shitty bum ditty bops - wishful thinking (a petty) kings of leon - 4 kicks (p daughters) el presidente - 100mph (r jones) the thrills - the irish keep gatecrashing (waverly) ms dynamite - father (d wolfe) doves - black and white town (l ramsay) j lekman - you are the light (m menfors) the avalanche - frontier psychiatrist (kuntz&maguire) jeremy warmsley - 5 verses (b rollason) editors bullets (m de thurah) oasis - the importance of being idle (d shadforth)

most surprising dirty projectors - the getty address (j sumner) beck - e-pro (shynola) yuki - sentimental journey (n noda) doves - sky starts falling (r sutherland) sia - breathe me (d askill) plan-b - no good (d levi) peter licht - heiterkeit (datenstrudel) s malkmus - baby c'mon (l kim & a bruntel) ye-ye - eurostar (g malaprade) guided by voices - back to the lake (mk12) presets - are you the one (k moyes) beth gibbons - mysteries (d leung) four tet - smile around the face (d wilde) r kelly - trapped in the closet adam freeland - we want your soul (happy) planet funk - stop me (m gherzi) fils de theuphu - bricoleur (o gondry) dj dangermouse - encore (ramon&pedro) the sun - romantic death (a nam)

best animation j forrest - war photographer (j trussell) badly drawn boy - you were right (s henwood) sioen - at a glance (e&l) malk de kuijn - fugt up i skale (m de thurah) the concretes - warm night (watkins) d banhart - a ribbon (l faggioni & m gondry) experience - hémisphere gauche (r grandpey) hifana - wamono (+cruz) toten hosen - walkampf (a hykade) the presets - girl and the sea (l lennox) chad van galen - clinically dead bonnie prince billy - agnes (d shrigley) lemon jelly - the shouty track (airside) four tet - my angel rocks back and forth (woof wan bau) of montreal - wraith pinned to the mist (kangarooalliance) m - ma melodie (c houplain) psapp - about fun (t levin & h hilberg) colleen - the happy sea (c melis)

claire., December 12, 2005 at 2:53:58 AM CET

My top 5 in no particular order:

-Doves, “Black and White Town” – Lynne Ramsay -Carpark North, “Human” – Martin De Thura -Royksop, “What Else Is There” – Martin De Thura -Mew, “Why are you Looking So Grave” – Jaron Albertin -Tom Vek - C.C (You Set The Fire In Me) - Adam Bartley

lusk81, December 12, 2005 at 3:09:08 AM CET

I second Claire's list!

familiar, December 12, 2005 at 3:11:42 AM CET

Eeek. Can my taste be any different from you two? I think not :) I'll give you guys Bartley ('cause I love Henson-like characters), but aside from that...

1manguy, December 12, 2005 at 3:24:54 AM CET

hey progosk: great list! but the knife's pass it on is from october 2003. my favorite video of that year

and dove's black and white town first aired week of february 14, 2005

claire., December 12, 2005 at 3:38:14 AM CET

Well, lets just add this list of directors/videos to our list of things we agree to disagree on : )

familiar, December 12, 2005 at 3:40:14 AM CET

Sure. As long as we can agree that I'm right and you're wrong. ;)

lusk81, December 12, 2005 at 6:11:06 AM CET

FAM: You know the only one I might trade is ramsay's doves with sigur ros' glosoli for its magic alone. But I do also like many parts of the Chemical bros' Believe promo and Rubber Johnny does have an amazing face smash crescendo that alone makes it worth fighting for.

I have no idea how/why u (and others) love that man man promo. The nonsequitor dialogue makes it even more boring than it already is (if you dig this style, I suggest checking out an asian filmmaker named Suzuki. His films are filled wall to wall with this approach).

And although I do love airplanes, the sutherland/doves thing is unwatchable. I tend to give it no more than 10 secs before fast forwarding. The flicker film aesthetic tends to really annoy me as well.

familiar, December 12, 2005 at 6:42:01 AM CET

Claire and I argue about this stuff a lot. It comes down - I think - to deep aesthetic differences, and a clearly opposing way of intellectualizing videos.

I actually don't tend to like overly meaningless non-sequitorial movies; the Man Man video just does it right. I've seen versions without the dialogue and it doesn't work nearly as well.

As for Sutherland's Doves video, I think the whole thing has a magical element to it, which may come from the Fantasia-like (The Magician's Nephew) storyline. Plus, technically, it's stunning.

I have a very hard time finding myself appreciating visual aesthetics that rely too heavily on over-intellectualized undertones, and videos that focus on blasting me with camera and Final Cut trickery without also offering something ELSE. Gondry is one of the few people who pull it off well, if not simply because his technical skill is beyond reproach.

Rubber Johnny -- didn't like it much. The chihuahua was great, though.

The Black And White Town video. I just said to Claire that Ramsay's film-making irritates me on certain levels because of it's heavy-handedness. She seems to find it necessary to embue her characters with the same sort of single-minded traits that one finds in say, an Ayn Rand (or hell, Neil Gaiman) novel. I prefer a more subtle approach; I don't need to be hit over the head with a character's obvious emotional turmoil.

jdub, December 12, 2005 at 11:27:57 AM CET

CAP'N what? Bjork's video was kind of amazing. Why would you point the gun at it?

There are so many many videos that suck - let's start with basically every hip hop video made this year. Then we can move into most TRL played videos. then we can go to every death metal or hardcore video. after that there's still a slough of shit to wade through. Bjork's video was unlike any I've seen. a little rough perhaps. but provocative and arresting.

kevathens, December 12, 2005 at 12:04:45 PM CET

Yeah, Marc, before I posted I looked for a free online polling thing, but it all requires registering - stuff I don't care to do. Anybody know of any solutions?

kevathens, December 12, 2005 at 12:31:18 PM CET

So does that mean people are agreeing by default that "E-Pro" was the best of the year? It's rarely been mentioned.

jesse.ewles, December 12, 2005 at 1:07:29 PM CET

Wax Mannequin's the Price. 'Cause I did it... In all seriousness though, I pretty much agree the Rest choices. -j

progosk, December 12, 2005 at 3:02:49 PM CET

how about just tallying the ones mentioned most in the lists posted here?

lusk81, December 12, 2005 at 3:04:21 PM CET

KEV: Save the bicycle that grows legs and climbs a building and then a ladder, there's nothing much to the E-pro piece. Incredible animation but I don't know, it's not one I want to watch over and over.

I agree with captain as carpark being the frontrunner for this year.

FAM: That's so weird that you find Ramsay as being heavy handed. She interested in life and death and things dirty, but I always found her work rather slight. In Ratcatcher, the kids say almost nothing to each other and so very little is explained. In Movern Callar, sam morton is morally bankrupt yet we dont really know why and travel with her regardless. If anything, her work remains curiously elusive but never singleminded (and that's crazy to even mention gaiman or rand!)

I guess the doves one gets a little too self indulgent when we see the kids in their rooms looking depressed for the 50th time, but this does climax into a group of them getting into a fight and running down the street with virgin mary statue in hand. Curious and strange. In it's own way, a little explosion.

kevathens, December 12, 2005 at 3:22:57 PM CET

Purpology's Ryan Dombal just nominated these (after characterizing Beck incorrectly):

Superwolf - I Give You Brendan Benson - Cold Hands, Warm Heart M83 - Don't Save Us From the Flames Jason Forrest - War Photographer Supergrass - Low C

I do love that Supergrass vid. So full of love.

miaowmix, December 12, 2005 at 4:20:58 PM CET

i didn't start watching videos more avidly til the summer of this year. ones that stand out in my poor memory are: LCD Soundsystem "Tribulations" Chad Vangaalen "clinicly dead" Smog "rock bottom riser"

jackhitts08, December 12, 2005 at 5:20:05 PM CET

One of the Pitchfork writers nominated Supergrass' "Low C." I watched it, and I suppose it was decent, but I don't know about best of the year.

As far as my faves go, I really liked "Apply Some Pressure" (version 2) and "Tribulations."

Also, was anyone extremely dissapointed by the video for "The Denial Twist"? It had so much potential (and Conan!)-but it suuuuccked...

spreech, December 12, 2005 at 5:24:23 PM CET

this list is already too long - we should have said: everybody one video, and to be complete and to make the list longer again. i loved the most Laura Veirs "galaxies":

familiar, December 12, 2005 at 5:34:42 PM CET

Lusk: At the risk of totally hi-jacking this post, Ramsay's heavy-handedness comes in the way she handles her characters, not her story. Some people like it; I find it frustrating. Also, I dislike Samantha Morton (see her in Winterbottom's Code 46 mess? Horrible.)

lusk81, December 12, 2005 at 5:41:51 PM CET

FAM: What's you email? Let me hit u up so we don't run amuck.

I hear what you're saying, and agree about the 46 mess, but how can u discredit the amazing that she was in IN AMERICA?

salad fingers, December 12, 2005 at 5:47:37 PM CET

YEAH! that SIGUR ROS video is AWESOME!


familiar, December 12, 2005 at 5:51:20 PM CET

areyoufamiliar (-at-)

mvstills, December 12, 2005 at 7:15:07 PM CET

Hey lusk81 and sdelahoyde. I didn't reply sooner because I've been busy. What I meant by "new language" is that what Fincher does in this video is more than just create flashy visuals which is what cgi is used for the most part these days. Like Lusk said, "E-pro" is cool, but mainly just gimmicks and tricks. Fincher is taking it a step further, using the computer as a camera, going places and showing things that are familiar but twisted to fit the piece. That's what I like, it opens a door to take the computer as a tool to make new kinds of films. The "Only" video is one that is enjoyed more if you listen and like Nine Inch Nails, since a lot of ideas in the lyrics and the rest of the new album are displayed in it. Anyway, it's just my opinion, besides, I haven't seen even half of what you guys named.

otha star, December 12, 2005 at 8:30:00 PM CET

I don't know if you would call these the "best" of 2005, but they are certainly my favourite. In my world, that is all that really matters anyway ;)

Best: The Chemical Brothers - Believe (Dir. Dom & Nic) Sigur Rós - Glósóli (Dir. Arni & Kinski) The White Stripes - Blue Orchid (Dir. Floria Sigismondi) Daft Punk - Technologic (Dir. Daft Punk) Rubber Johnny (Dir. Chris Cunningham)

Worst: That R Kelly piece of shit, or pretty much anything being shown on television these days :(

lusk81, December 12, 2005 at 8:35:18 PM CET

MV: I'm sorry but no. When u speak of new language, usually we would talk of a new syntax or grammar to express ideas via form (think eisentstein, one of the first to create and utilize the idea of a 'montage').

Although I am a fan of fincher's aesthetics, he's just become abnormally lazy with himself and his work. ONLY was technically created by digital domain and finch was just signing off the various shots he liked (this is not fabricated). Just cause we see a camera enter a keyhole (panic room) or rush down the floors of a building (fight club) doesn't mean he's creating, in any kind of way, a new language. Furthermore, using the "computer as a camera" was one of the first approaches to CG over 2 decades ago. Remember, even tron was filled with CG camera work.

Fincher's approach isn't new either, we've seen all of this before in the work of hitchcock (whom fincher really adores). But with hitch, it has purpose and place that extends far beyond the idea of a 'cool hip shot'.

ONLY is an interesting apple/itunes commercial at best. Just because he does photo real renders across a 200+ machine render farm doesn't mean he's pushing anything except a check toward the boys over at DD.

krof, December 12, 2005 at 8:42:25 PM CET

good: the presets - are you the one

cut copy - future

fischerspooner - newer win

mu - paris hilton

bad: r kelly - trapped in the closet

kevathens: creting a poll is closer than you think ;)

drip, December 12, 2005 at 8:52:17 PM CET

kevathens, do a real one of this:

What is the best video of the year?

Mars Volta "The Widow"
50% (1 vote)
Coheed & Cambria "The Suffering"
50% (1 vote)
Coheed & Cambria "Welcome Home"
0% (0 votes)
Total: 2 votes

kevathens, December 12, 2005 at 9:32:23 PM CET

That's fucking brilliant! Okay once that new thread winds down we can hold some sort of election. You totally just made my day! (God I am such a dork!)

lusk81, December 12, 2005 at 9:36:11 PM CET

KEV: DELETE the new thread and start it again before everyone hits it up. Put in its place this new voting system set up. awesome.

kevathens, December 12, 2005 at 9:37:55 PM CET

Should we get nominees first, or just go off this list? Progosk and mvstills' lists are huge! Myself, I wouldn't nominate all my own vids up there as 'the best' either. Ugh I'm a dork!

progosk, December 12, 2005 at 10:49:42 PM CET

funkiness, that poll thing!

i've collated all nominations from both posts, excluding mvstills total list and mine (only kept my best&worst 5). i can send you that (56 best and 14 worst, so far).

what would be nicest: to put together a poll-post where the entries are all linked to their respective antville story, so you can read about, watch and then vote for any of the antvillean best of 2005.

dickensian_hero, December 12, 2005 at 10:55:02 PM CET

awesome idea progosk.

maybe we could have a holiday pot-luck too. i'll bring tuna casserole.

seriously though, good idea.

kevathens, December 12, 2005 at 10:57:24 PM CET

Yep, Progosk, you got it. Send it this way and I'll work on it, maybe post it tomorrow. Whatever other work you feel like putting into the links is fine. :) I can definitely put some time into it.

progosk, December 12, 2005 at 11:36:18 PM CET

ok mvstills, hone it down to 5b + 5w and your nominees are in.

(i think i'm going to have to sneak this one in, too...)

what should be the deadline for nominations? (it's almost midnight round here...)

kevathens, December 12, 2005 at 11:58:14 PM CET

The deadline can be whenever it's posted. Just keep adding until it's live. You've already got 56 already, I don't think we'll get much more (besides "worsts"). I don't see much reason to wait on it..

kevathens, December 13, 2005 at 12:17:24 AM CET

GRAMMY nominees: Lose Control - Missy Elliott Featuring Ciara & Fat Man Scoop Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz Featuring De La Soul Feels Just Like It Should - Jamiroquai God's Will - Martina McBride World On Fire - Sarah McLachlan

Not sure we should add it to the antville poll though :) I would go with Gorillaz and Missy.

progosk, December 13, 2005 at 12:22:38 AM CET

no, kev, not unless someone here's actually nominating them - on which subject: you've yet to bring your shortlist down to max 5 (unless you only want to nominate your 1b+1w)...

jva, December 13, 2005 at 1:04:18 AM CET

HERE'RE MY BESTS (a few new ones): UNPREDICTABLY: Bobby Birdman "I Will Come Again" by Terri Timely

PREDICTABLY: Beck "E-Pro" by Shynola

TECHNICALLY (but the song is kinda grating): The Presets "Are You the One?" by Kris Moyes

SHAMELESSLY: Dirty Projectors "I Will Truck" or "Warholian Wigs" by me.

UND MY WORSTS? too busy to think deep about a hate list. the little bit i could bear to watch of the NIN video made me think "apple already sold me a computer. i don't need this video to try." and i'm an old fan of both NIN and fincher.

kevathens, December 13, 2005 at 1:10:23 AM CET

Most of my stuff became redundant so, here this doesn't make a difference: Basement Jaxx "U Don't Know Me" Björk "Triumph of a Heart" Tiga "You Gonna Want Me" Kanye West "Golddigger"

funtoosh, December 13, 2005 at 12:18:59 PM CET

kev, here's the direct link to tocotronic's ABER HIER LEBEN NEIN DANKE:


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