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_grau | experimental film

tagged ART VIDEO
experimental film | 10:01 min

Not directly a music video, as the soundtrack was specially composed, but an experimental movie, that some might enjoy ...

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Cool vampire flick in streaming video

tagged ART VIDEO

NOW PLAYING "Hacker Hunter".

Tycoon gets ripped off by North-Korean hackers. Then hires vampire and gets his revenge. (violent content)

You'll need broadband and RealPlayer 9 or 10 to view.

# comment! (7 comments)     


tagged ART VIDEO

brasillian group of graphics designers THATS SOOOOO fuCKING GREAT!!!! Diesel comercials smashed my brain:D check this-also some vidz-like Legowelt or Golden shower enjoy

la chapelle

tagged ART VIDEO

well known music vidz(aguillera,stefani,blink,grey,spears etc) but also great short films and commercials-best photographer of nwe generation (:P)-i love his works-have fun:D



streams describe possible flows of things
MACHFELD resembles a stream
streams flow
will not get regulated
a stream is smooth,
sturdy looking back along the stream reveals where the
stream took you

MACHFELD was foundet 1999 by michael mastrototaro & sabine maier.

NEW !!!! : MACHFELD/Studio

The MACHFELD/Studio is a interdisciplinary art- and medialab founded in april 2004 by the media-artist sabine maier & michael mastrototaro working in the different fields of net-, streaming- video- and interactive-art.

We explore the borderland between new and old media.

The MACHFELD/Studio aims to be a platform for artitsitc issues by organising workshops, presentations and initiating cooperative projects.

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July 2024