antville Music Video Awards 2006
The Finalists !


special mention (by acclaim) Dirty Projectors “The Getty Address (An Opera About Don Henley)”, Dir. James Sumner






Kris Moyes Encyclopedia Pictura (Isaiah Saxon & Sean Hellfritsch) Aleksandra Domanovic Aleix Pitarch Andreas Nilsson
Arno Salters Ben Rollason Encyclopedia Pictura (Isaiah Saxon & Sean Hellfritsch) Kris Moyes Andy Bruntel Ramon Bloomberg
Patrick Daughters Alex & Liane W.I.Z. Nima Nourizadeh Jaron Albertin

(a shout to all those involved in churning this out - you know who you are...)
best art direction
best new director
Full details on the winners are here:
More Director Info, as yet unposted: Andreas Nilsson Nima Nourizadeh Encyclopedia Andy Bruntel Ramon Bloomberg Aleksandra Domanovic Aleix Pitarch
progosk; awesome job on laying all this out.
and not to dismiss all the poll creation......
but weren't we going to do an 'open ballot'; similar to the nomination process? Wasn't ballott stuffing a major problem?
cap'n: tho i'll confess to bending that precept, my feeling was
- the nominations distilled a pretty fair, representative, and all-round worthy set of finalists, making any possible residual ballot stuffing here pretty insignificant (or at least, nothing to do with last year's morningwood).
- were folks really up for another round of extenuating commenty-votery?
nonetheless, if it be deemed, i shall brave the plank - honni soit qui mal y pense.
(oh, and: k, thx - updated.)
thanks to progosk seconded - great work all round.
I lurk much, and comment little so it seems appropriate at this festive time of year to send thanks to all the people who contribute so much good stuff to Anville regularly too - happy christmas all!
i suck.
you should put Rob Ryang down as editor. he's the person who should get credit for it.
We'll be crediting the appropriate parties per category once it's all done, though thanks for the credit. Final PR is in the works.
I see a shortlist press release wasn't entirely necessary, as someone loves us at cpluv
and prog did some PR work at metafilter
plus: sonic magazine
mention: super45
salters calls antville "the online daily hangout of the entire music video community" - um, really? He also tags his site's viewers to vote for him. =:*
proper credits are where it's at - if you're in the know, out with it!
Meanwhile, best new director is emerging as the highest-voted category at 85 votes at this moment, compared to 37 at the lowest. I've been chronicling results and writing figures down as things progress..
you want to know how much i love antville? my grammy nomination means less to me than the fact i didn't get no antville love. :( i love you nerds.
ramon is getting shots, while arno and aleix are rounding up their posses. do i spot the cap'n fuming...?
(oh, and ghostrobot is drumming up all kinds of support...)
for art direction on the seb martel - full credit goes to Mahi Grand (who also art directed my GE video).
I know I missed the nomination process, but I think "Empire" got shafted...
PROG&KEV: if what you want is a "true antvilleans only" vote, then why not count only the votes from usernames that have commented a certain number of times (5? 10? 15?), as opposed to usernames that were created only for the vote...
I think captainmarc had mentionned an easy way to figure out the number of comments.
or even count only votes from usernames that where created prior to december 06.
as a fellow antville citizen i casted my votes! looking forward to the outcome ... some categories are already decided while others are not! thanks for making this happen.
ps: i know i should not bitch around after the nominations are made but could it be that we all forgot "POLYSICS - Now is the Time"? sorry for the shittube link.
The actual name of that Polysics vid is I My Me Mine, and as najork asked and prog responded, it came out in Oct 2005.
dingle: I think we're trying to avoid the bourgeois sense that having a "true antvillean" vote would cause. There are quite a few lurkers around here, many of whom used to comment frequently. I did not help Prog decide, btw, in the final voting process displayed here, so he's the guy we can chop into bits.
Videoville and Director File are down btw, sorry about that.
pitchfork do their 25. (via hippocampe.)
I just posted my ten best videos of 2006.
If anyone has an issue with the selection, you can meet me in the town square at high noon tomorrow. Bring a good luck charm: you're going to need it.
This post has been sensibly erected, waxy'd and, um, maybe'd?
Nominees are excellent from wot I've watched, voted accordingly Glad to have a chance to see wot other Antvillians thought woz the best works dis year I'm impressed! Thxs
Time to close up shop, dude.
Cracked! (Dec 18 webpicks)
opera ain't over til the fat lady sings. (stay tuned...)
P: Nope, sir, time to seal it.
dons wig i do solemnly pronounce thys here session of awardes for musicke videos most officialley adjourned. whilst wynners have come to lighte in a fulle ten cattegoriys, twain such categoryes - havinge raised th'eyebrowe of members of thys communitey - shall in all aeternity produsse nary a single wynner but indeede a collective wynne by all&everey nomineys in saidd categoreys. there shalle be no furthere discusshionne of thys matter fromhereonin. raps cane to hardwood, turns on improbable high heels and stalks out of the venue
You're being elusive, P. "all&one": Are you disregarding my sentiment in my e-mail about declaring winners in Art Dir and Best New, or what? Clarity, sir, not profundity!
readde my lippse, good sir: no furthere discusshionne.
Elusive! I quite. See you later.
best video of the year all categories for me was Mahogany - Neo-Plastic Boogie-Woogie